601-608, Vedanta complex, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad – 13

Our Services

At our hospital, we are committed to providing a wide range of high-quality medical services to meet the needs of our patients. Here are some of the services we offer:

Day Care Arthroscopy

Traditional surgeries require hospital stay for a few days after the surgery. This can cause mental and financial discomfort to patients.

Shoulder Arthroscopy

Arthroscopic Shoulder surgery techniquewere developed over 20 years ago and have been continually refined.

Hip Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that gives doctors a clear view of the inside of a joint. This helps them diagnose and treat joint problems.

Meniscus Injury

The cushion like shock absorbers present in the knee joint is called meniscus. There are two menisci in the knee. They sit between the thigh bone femur and the shin bone tibia.

ACL Injury

The ACL is one of the major ligaments in the knee that connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia). It is main of the four ligaments stabilising knee joint.

Impingement Syndrome

The cushion like shock absorbers present in the knee joint is called meniscus. There are two menisci in the knee. They sit between the thigh bone femur and the shin bone tibia.

Rheumatology Orthopaedic

We provide comprehensive rheumatology care, which includes disease-modifying anti-rheumatoid drugs, physiotherapy, splints, and surgery.

Knee Arthroscopy

In arthroscopic surgery a tiny puncture is made in the skin over the joint through which 4 mm size special telescope, called arthroscope is introduced inside the joint.

Ankle Arthroscopy

Ankle Arthroscopy is a procedure where a smallvideo camera attached to a fiberoptic lens is inserted into the ankle joint to allow surgeon to see without making a large incision.

Rotator Cuff Tear

The shoulder is a ball-socket joint that allows the arm to move in many directions. It is made up of the humeral head (the upper end of the bone of the upper arm) fitting into the glenoid fossa of the scapula.

Elbow Arthroscopy

The elbow joint is a hinged joint where the upper arm bone (humerus) meets the two forearm bones (ulna and radius). The main stabilizing structure of the elbow joint is the ligament along the inner aspect of the elbow (medial collateral ligament.)

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

Whether you're recovering from an injury, surgery, or a chronic condition, our team of experienced physiotherapists will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.

Recurrent Dislocation Shoulder

The shoulder is the most moveable joint in your body. It helps you to lift your arm, to rotate it, and to reach up over your head.

Convenient Healthcare Services

Online consultations

Embracing the convenience of technology, online consultations provide a seamless healthcare experience with virtual doctor consultations from the comfort of your own home

In-your-home Visits

Experience the comfort and convenience of personalized medical care with in-your-home visits by healthcare professionals.

Diagnostic Services

We offer Radiology (X-rays, MRIs, CT scans), Pathology/Laboratory services, Physical Therapy and more.

International Patients​

International patients can call us by phone, WhatsApp, or email to get information on the visa process and medical services.​

Dr. Kalpesh Trivedi

(+91) 98252 81710

Dr. Sanjay Trivedi

(+91) 94291 00287